Archive for the ‘Productivity Tips’ Category

8 Benefits of a Daily Writing Habit

I’m celebrating achieving  my writing goals for another month of writing every single day as a result of participating in an online daily writing challenge for twenty months since January, 2014. I’ve discovered some benefits from dragging, pulling and pushing myself to meet this challenge.Pencil-whimsical with books ID-100243633

Eight Benefits of a Daily Writing Habit

1. Stronger. As I force myself to overcome the emotional resistance and obstacles, my self-discipline is strengthened. I feel stronger.

2. Self-Discipline. The self-discipline of consistency enables and benefits me in other areas of my life.

3. Capture Moments. I capture beneficial insights, anecdotes, journal entries and stories that otherwise would be lost.

4. Book material. Consistent themes emerge that will eventually be three or four books so I’m making progress in writing my books.

5. Legacy. Stories are written to pass down a legacy to my children and grandchildren and creates potential material for articles, magazines etc.

6. Reflection. I get to process my day and gain insight from situations. We don’t get much time for reflection in our demanding and busy lives. Writing forces and gives time to mine the treasures of the day.

7. Better Writer. I’m growing as a writer. Practicing writing strategies in my daily writing refines my writing skills.

8. Satisfaction. My eyes are more open, my ears more attuned and my mind more alert to the gems in everyday life so I find more purpose and fulfillment in life.
Writing daily is not an easy habit to develop but it has a great deal of benefits and it’s worth it!

If you’d like to grow in your productivity and overcome some of your writing fears, come join this writing support group. Also, check out my book on Amazon kindle, “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing Dreams.”

If you would like to learn to write or learn to write better or write your story, check out my writing course,“How to Write for Fun and Profit.”

Discover the benefits of writing for yourself.

Go write now.

Enjoy the gift of writing!

#strengthtostrength, #fromstucktosuccess, #writenow, #writeyourstorynow, #sharonrosegibsonnuggets, #enjoythegiftofwriting,

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Achieve Your Writing Dreams By Creating Momemtum

Do you have a goal, dream or desire in your heart you want to pursue?

Yesterday in my daily writing challenge group, the writing prompt invited us to look back on our writing goals. They suggested we look at our progress and write about what we didn’t expect.

More than a year has gone by since I started the challenge to write daily. I’m in my second year of the writing discipline. I share because the principle applies to any dream you pursue. By sharing my experience, I hope it will encourage you to persist in pursuing your dreams.

Girl writing in journal ID-10029320One thing I didn’t expect is the momentum gained in the challenge to write daily. The longer I meet the writing goals, the more this drives me.

Many times when I’ve been tempted to quit, I cannot because of the momentum. I don’t know how to describe this phenomenon, but action produces action and keeps me going. I miss a day occasionally.

Still, I find it easier to go for it again because of the momentum. At times I want to give it up and quit the challenge, but I cannot. Part of it is because I find writing rewarding. I feel a sense of satisfaction after I’ve made my writing goal for the day.

Other benefits reward me.
I feel a sense of satisfaction of the insight that comes from writing and reflecting on life’s experiences.
Sometimes what I wrote, fits in with one of my stories I want to preserve for my legacy.

Writing daily improves my writing skills. Editing comes easier.

Momentum brings all these benefits.
Action after action creates the driving force and keeps the energy going.

More than a year has gone by since I started the challenge to write daily and now I’m in my second year of the writing discipline.

Discipline is difficult, but it brings rewards. The momentum created by the discipline is a pleasant surprise.

The secret is consistency. Consistency creates momentum. Momentum keeps you going.
The key to developing consistency is finding encouragement, support, and accountability.
For this reason, I created a writing group where you can find encouragement, support, and accountability by clicking here. 
These three factors can help you develop a habit and keep you consistent.

Pursue your dreams with consistent action. Create momentum. You will experience the satisfaction of achieving your goals!

This proverb encourages me and I hope it will you as well in the pursuit of your dreams. “The desires of the diligent will be fully satisfied.” Proverbs 13:4 (NIV)


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“I Finally Found Time to Write” ~ 3 Writing Motivational Tips

“Sharon, I wanted to tell you that I’m finally finding time to write,” my friend, Sarah, stopped by my car in the park.

“Awesome!” I slammed the trunk lid down. My grandsons and I had a picnic in the park and enjoyed the beautiful sunny day. We had stopped by the car to put away the blanket and the rest of the food. My grandsons ran on to the playground.

My friend’s husband wheeled the double stroller on to take her two year old and baby to the playground and she continued, “I wanted you to know I’m listening to you and watching you. I saw you post on facebook that you had written every day for the month of August. I thought if you can do I can too. 

I smiled because over the last year,  I’ve encouraged her several times to write. She’s a gifted woman with computer ID-10028433writer and I longed to see her write. I had urged her before, “When you don’t have a lot of time, look for those 15 minute segments of time.” I knew she was busy with her toddler and pregnancy and now her baby.

Sarah continued on, “You may not think we notice or listen but we are. I watch your posts on facebook saying you complete your monthly writing goals. You inspire me! 

As you suggested, I’ve been looking for those 15 minutes in my day to write. I’m surprised at how much I can write in 15 minutes and sometimes that gets me going so I write more.

I fell off my goal of writing every day in September but I didn’t let that discourage me. I got up and  started again.”

“Good for you! One of the keys to success is to get back up and go for it again.”

She smiled, “Yes it’s good and I start over trying for the whole month in October. I feel so much better when I write.”

“I feel the same way. Sometimes it’s hard to write every day but I always feel better when after I write.”

“Well, I need to go join my husband and kids but I wanted to thank you and let you know.”

“Thanks so much! I appreciate the encouragement.”

3 Writing Motivational Tips

  1. 1. Get started. Break your writing into bite-size pieces. Then it’s easier to take the time.
  2. 2. Get back up. When you fall off your goal, don’t quit.
  3. 3. Get back up and start over.

Go for the feeling. When you find it difficult to get started writing, reflect on the satisfaction and good feeling you’ll have afterward.

How about you? Would you like to set some writing goals or develop a regular writing habit? If so, come join our “Wise Writers Write NOW for support, encouragement and accountability.

If you want to write a book, stories or memories, learn how to write or learn how to write better, check out the “How to Write for Fun and Profit.”

For more encouragement, productivity tips and strategies to overcome your writing fears, check out the book, “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing Dreams” on

Most of all, find time to write because the world needs to hear your unique voice and what you have to share.

Go Write NOW


Woman Laptop by Ambro,



Writing Motivation ~ Do You Have This Key To Success In Your Writing?

Do you have challenges in meeting your writing goals? Even if writing is something you want to do, do you sometimes feel challenged to fulfill that desire?

Yesterday, I spent the day with my active grandsons on their last day before school started. Though they’re the joy of my life, we had some challenges that took all the energy I had.

When I arrived home, the last thing I wanted to do is to write. All I wanted to do is fall into bed.

However, I’ve committed to writing every day so rather than go to bed, I sat down at my computer to complete my writing goal for the day.

Additionally, I had some things come up and challenges getting this post written today. However, I managed to find some time and got it done!

What drove me? What key principle of success did I draw on?

When you don’t feel like writing what can you do to achieve your writing desires?

Discipline.Girl holding a big pen ID-100155119

One of the definitions for discipline in Webster’s dictionary is self-control, “restraint over one’s own impulses, emotions or desires.”

3 Writing Motivation Tips

  1. Rewards of discipline. Discipline is not comfortable but at least there is a reward. Lack of discipline may be easier but you will live with the bitter fruit of dissatisfaction.
  2. Choices have consequences. You’ll experience the consequences either way, one pleasant and one not. Your choice makes the difference.
  3. Keep the end in mind. When you’re not motivated to write, think of the end result of your choice. Do you want to be satisfied or dissatisfied?

You can find a lot more tips and insights in the book I wrote to encourage writers to pursue their writing dreams. “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing dreams.” You can find it on Amazon Kindle.

If you want to learn to write or write better, check out “How to write for Fun and Profit.  I’d love to teach you how to write or write better and encourage you in your writing.

In the meantime, I encourage you to experience the rewards of discipline in your writing. I feel satisfied now that I’ve met my writing goal and wrote this blog post.

How about you? What can you write today that will bring you satisfaction?

Go Write NOW!



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