Posts Tagged ‘encouragement to write’

Writing a Responsibility? You’re Not Alone

Do you ever feel the weight of writing as a responsibility? If so, read on and you’ll find five tips to ease the load.

For me, being a writer is both a blessing and a burden.

A blessing because I see all the stories, life lessons and wisdom nuggets in everyday life. Like butterflies, they light on my shoulder and fascinate me with their beauty.woman w-journal punsayaporn ID-100287541

A burden because I have to write them down as soon as possible. Otherwise like butterflies, they quickly fly away and I forget them.

In our busy lives. with all the responsibilities of work and daily living, sometimes writing it all down is a challenge!

I have my daily writing plus writing the books I’m working on. For example, I did my daily wWriting, a burden and a blessing 12400502_10207708766135064_4212806281004013316_nriting in the morning yesterday. However, throughout the day I had a number of things happen that I wanted to write about as well. By the time I got home it was too late and I needed to go to bed. Before I went to bed, I scribbled down notes to remind me what to write.

Now I feel the burden of needing to write all that down today. Sometimes my writing feels like several crying babies who will not be satisfied until I sit down and feed them. This is what I mean by my writing is both a blessing and a burden. However, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love the role I play as a writer and the call on my life to write.

How about you? Do you have thoughts, stories or books on your heart and mind that you feel a responsibility to share? Do you sometimes feel alone in bearing this responsibility? You’re not alone because this is common to writers. You can find ways to ease the burden so you can enjoy the blessings more.

Five Tips To Lighten the Load

  1. Be brief. Write down the nuggets, ideas or stories briefly. When you don’t have enough time to write, write down enough words to trigger your memory.
  2. Write soon. Write as soon as possible after you have the thought or idea. This way you can capture it while it’s fresh on your mind. If you have a phone with recording capabilities, you can record your thoughts to transcribe later.
  3. Prioritize writing. Move writing to the top of your list even if you have to let some other things go. Good activities can take away from your writing. Let some social media or email time, TV or other things go.
  4. Think Small. Look for small increments of time you can set aside to write even if it’s for 15 minutes. If you can’t get it all written, write what you can and look for other opportunities. Once you get started, you’ll want to came back to it.
  5. Allow imperfection. Let go of perfectionism. Don’t worry if your writing is rough. Simply get it written down. You can always refine it later.

Would you like to learn to write better? If so, I’d love to teach you and encourage you in your writing. Check out  some of the ways I can serve you here and my writing course, “How to Write for Fun and Profit.” How do you assume your responsibility as a writer? What works for you? Share with us in the comments below.


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Achieve Your Writing Dreams By Creating Momemtum

Do you have a goal, dream or desire in your heart you want to pursue?

Yesterday in my daily writing challenge group, the writing prompt invited us to look back on our writing goals. They suggested we look at our progress and write about what we didn’t expect.

More than a year has gone by since I started the challenge to write daily. I’m in my second year of the writing discipline. I share because the principle applies to any dream you pursue. By sharing my experience, I hope it will encourage you to persist in pursuing your dreams.

Girl writing in journal ID-10029320One thing I didn’t expect is the momentum gained in the challenge to write daily. The longer I meet the writing goals, the more this drives me.

Many times when I’ve been tempted to quit, I cannot because of the momentum. I don’t know how to describe this phenomenon, but action produces action and keeps me going. I miss a day occasionally.

Still, I find it easier to go for it again because of the momentum. At times I want to give it up and quit the challenge, but I cannot. Part of it is because I find writing rewarding. I feel a sense of satisfaction after I’ve made my writing goal for the day.

Other benefits reward me.
I feel a sense of satisfaction of the insight that comes from writing and reflecting on life’s experiences.
Sometimes what I wrote, fits in with one of my stories I want to preserve for my legacy.

Writing daily improves my writing skills. Editing comes easier.

Momentum brings all these benefits.
Action after action creates the driving force and keeps the energy going.

More than a year has gone by since I started the challenge to write daily and now I’m in my second year of the writing discipline.

Discipline is difficult, but it brings rewards. The momentum created by the discipline is a pleasant surprise.

The secret is consistency. Consistency creates momentum. Momentum keeps you going.
The key to developing consistency is finding encouragement, support, and accountability.
For this reason, I created a writing group where you can find encouragement, support, and accountability by clicking here. 
These three factors can help you develop a habit and keep you consistent.

Pursue your dreams with consistent action. Create momentum. You will experience the satisfaction of achieving your goals!

This proverb encourages me and I hope it will you as well in the pursuit of your dreams. “The desires of the diligent will be fully satisfied.” Proverbs 13:4 (NIV)


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“I Finally Found Time to Write” ~ 3 Writing Motivational Tips

“Sharon, I wanted to tell you that I’m finally finding time to write,” my friend, Sarah, stopped by my car in the park.

“Awesome!” I slammed the trunk lid down. My grandsons and I had a picnic in the park and enjoyed the beautiful sunny day. We had stopped by the car to put away the blanket and the rest of the food. My grandsons ran on to the playground.

My friend’s husband wheeled the double stroller on to take her two year old and baby to the playground and she continued, “I wanted you to know I’m listening to you and watching you. I saw you post on facebook that you had written every day for the month of August. I thought if you can do I can too. 

I smiled because over the last year,  I’ve encouraged her several times to write. She’s a gifted woman with computer ID-10028433writer and I longed to see her write. I had urged her before, “When you don’t have a lot of time, look for those 15 minute segments of time.” I knew she was busy with her toddler and pregnancy and now her baby.

Sarah continued on, “You may not think we notice or listen but we are. I watch your posts on facebook saying you complete your monthly writing goals. You inspire me! 

As you suggested, I’ve been looking for those 15 minutes in my day to write. I’m surprised at how much I can write in 15 minutes and sometimes that gets me going so I write more.

I fell off my goal of writing every day in September but I didn’t let that discourage me. I got up and  started again.”

“Good for you! One of the keys to success is to get back up and go for it again.”

She smiled, “Yes it’s good and I start over trying for the whole month in October. I feel so much better when I write.”

“I feel the same way. Sometimes it’s hard to write every day but I always feel better when after I write.”

“Well, I need to go join my husband and kids but I wanted to thank you and let you know.”

“Thanks so much! I appreciate the encouragement.”

3 Writing Motivational Tips

  1. 1. Get started. Break your writing into bite-size pieces. Then it’s easier to take the time.
  2. 2. Get back up. When you fall off your goal, don’t quit.
  3. 3. Get back up and start over.

Go for the feeling. When you find it difficult to get started writing, reflect on the satisfaction and good feeling you’ll have afterward.

How about you? Would you like to set some writing goals or develop a regular writing habit? If so, come join our “Wise Writers Write NOW for support, encouragement and accountability.

If you want to write a book, stories or memories, learn how to write or learn how to write better, check out the “How to Write for Fun and Profit.”

For more encouragement, productivity tips and strategies to overcome your writing fears, check out the book, “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing Dreams” on

Most of all, find time to write because the world needs to hear your unique voice and what you have to share.

Go Write NOW


Woman Laptop by Ambro,



Writing Motivation ~ Do You Have This Key To Success In Your Writing?

Do you have challenges in meeting your writing goals? Even if writing is something you want to do, do you sometimes feel challenged to fulfill that desire?

Yesterday, I spent the day with my active grandsons on their last day before school started. Though they’re the joy of my life, we had some challenges that took all the energy I had.

When I arrived home, the last thing I wanted to do is to write. All I wanted to do is fall into bed.

However, I’ve committed to writing every day so rather than go to bed, I sat down at my computer to complete my writing goal for the day.

Additionally, I had some things come up and challenges getting this post written today. However, I managed to find some time and got it done!

What drove me? What key principle of success did I draw on?

When you don’t feel like writing what can you do to achieve your writing desires?

Discipline.Girl holding a big pen ID-100155119

One of the definitions for discipline in Webster’s dictionary is self-control, “restraint over one’s own impulses, emotions or desires.”

3 Writing Motivation Tips

  1. Rewards of discipline. Discipline is not comfortable but at least there is a reward. Lack of discipline may be easier but you will live with the bitter fruit of dissatisfaction.
  2. Choices have consequences. You’ll experience the consequences either way, one pleasant and one not. Your choice makes the difference.
  3. Keep the end in mind. When you’re not motivated to write, think of the end result of your choice. Do you want to be satisfied or dissatisfied?

You can find a lot more tips and insights in the book I wrote to encourage writers to pursue their writing dreams. “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing dreams.” You can find it on Amazon Kindle.

If you want to learn to write or write better, check out “How to write for Fun and Profit.  I’d love to teach you how to write or write better and encourage you in your writing.

In the meantime, I encourage you to experience the rewards of discipline in your writing. I feel satisfied now that I’ve met my writing goal and wrote this blog post.

How about you? What can you write today that will bring you satisfaction?

Go Write NOW!



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How to Write: Share Your Stories While You Can

Do you have stories to write but you haven’t gotten around to it? Do you want to share your stories with others to help them?

At an English Tea Room during the Royal wedding of Prince William and Kate, I met a couple of retired women dressed in color coordinated outfits with matching hats and purses. They asked what I did and when I shared that I am a writer, we started talking about learning how to write to leave a legacy for your family. One of the women said, “I need to learn how to write my life stories so my children and grandchildren can know me.” She laughed, “I want my children to know why I like the color blue.”

A father of two teenagers shared with me,“I have so many thing I would like to say to teenagers to warn them about some of the things that trapped me and how to avoid them. I’d like to share some of the lessons I learned but do it in a way that won’t bore them.”

A retired friend shared with me, “I believe some of my life experiences would inspire others and show how God worked in my life. I don’t know how to write the stories.”

Another young adult man said, “I would like to write humorous stories from my life that would teach lessons in a fun way but I know I need to learn how to write.”

An additional friend confided,“I have some amazing stories to share about miracles that have happened in my life. I know these are stories that need to be told but I can’t seem to find the time.”

How about you? What stories do you to tell? Many of us have stories to share but they are locked up in our hearts like items in a storage bin. We haven’t thrown them away but they are not being used and shared with others. Think of the difference your stories could make if you would get them out there and share them!

This week a beautiful friend died of age 49 with brain cancer. She generously gave of her time, her wisdom and her care to so many of us as well as loving her own family of seven children. She invested her life in others and in her kind and gentle way made a huge difference in my life and all she touched. The flowers at her graveside spoke of the beauty of her life. She loved well and we will miss her. However, in her final days, she wondered, “Did I do enough? Did I love enough? Is there more I could have done?”

How about you? Do you have stories you want to tell but you have not shared them. What if someone’s life could be changed for the better by what you write? Would it be worth the effort? If something happened to you, would you have written all you wanted to?

If you are not sure how to write and need some support and encouragement in creative writing, check out the “How to Write for Fun and Profit” online course. If you are like my friend who feels pressed for time, I’ve divided the course into segments you can read and do the assignments in 15 minutes segments. I would be delighted to support you as you learn creative writing to be able to share your stories.

Whether you take my course of not, the important thing is to write. Don’t leave this world without sharing your treasures with your family, friends and the world!


How to Write: Write and Bring Money to Your Bucket

People will give you money

What if a unique expression of your creativity in your writing could result in people handing you money with a smile on their face?

I enjoyed an extended visit with my sister who lives in San Diego last summer. One night I took a walk for exercise. As I walked down the streets of San Diego, I happened to wander into the Gas Lamp district where there are alot of restaurants and partying going on. It is a historic district and entertainment center. People crowded the sidewalks as the energy and excitement lured them. Since I’m not from around this area I got a little lost and ended up in front of an Irish Pub. There a large black man caught my eye.

He had on a huge mad hatter type hat, dreadlocks, layers of beads around his neck on top of an African print type loose shirt. He carried an orange bucket with decoys on it and a black boom box with a mike. He’d ask people their name and then sang a rap style song with their name in it. In this particular situation, he sang Irish songs, rap style. How unusual! He totally delighted me with his creativity so I put $1 in his bucket. I noticed it was full.

He turned to me and asked my name and then began to sing to me using my name and rhyming rap. Joy filled my heart as I stood there and enjoyed the gift of his talent. As other people passed by, charmed by his ability to use words to create rhymes on the spot, they also dropped money in his bucket.

I later learned from the one of the restaurants hosts that the rapper uses no curse words and encourages kids in his songs to obey their parents. He also supports a group who encourage young people in the arts. Everywhere he goes, he creates an environment of fun and positive vibes with his creative rap. He personalized his songs. Everyone loves individual attention and their faces light up with joy.

What can you learn from this relating your creative writing?

When you create a positive fun environment in your creative writing, people are drawn to you. There is so much focus on the negativity in the world that it’s important to find ways to engage people in positive ways. When you learn how to do creative writing, you will refresh them and lift them up. You can draw people to you by letting your light shine in how you write. As you write, you sing your song. Personalize it and people will feel loved, cared for and delighted in. They will reward you for your creative writing efforts.

Be Unique

Express your uniqueness as you learn how to write and increase your creative writing in your chosen area. Find your voice and sing it. Be your positive self. As you learn creative writing  you will find ways to reach people with the skillful use of words. You can grab people’s attention with personalized attention. Then people will flock to you and put money in your bucket. Soon it will overflow like the man whose main skill was his knowledge and use of words.

If you’ve always wanted to write but lacked the skills, I can help you make that dream come true. If you’ve always wanted to write but lacked the skills or you want to improve your writing skills, go to a writer’s conference or take an online writing course. You can learn “How to Write for Fun and Profit” and enjoy the positive energy and rewards our friend with the top hat did.

How about you? What can you do to create a positive environment through your creative writing and draw people to you?

Go write now.

Share the Gift of Writing!

photo from by anankkml


How to Write: Find Time to Improve Your Writing Skills

Recently, I went to a soccer game to watch my son play soccer for the middle school team. I sat by my daughter who plays soccer for the high school. I asked her, “What do enjoy the most when you play soccer? What is your strength?” She shared with me her strength.

Then I asked her, “What do you like to do in soccer?”

She said, “I like to dribble but I am not very good at it,” she sighed.

We both paused to cheer my son who made a good kick.

I challenged her, “What if you took 15 minutes a day maybe 5 days a week to practice dribbling, what would happen?”

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