Archive for the ‘Called to Write’ Category

Writing a Responsibility? You’re Not Alone

Do you ever feel the weight of writing as a responsibility? If so, read on and you’ll find five tips to ease the load.

For me, being a writer is both a blessing and a burden.

A blessing because I see all the stories, life lessons and wisdom nuggets in everyday life. Like butterflies, they light on my shoulder and fascinate me with their beauty.woman w-journal punsayaporn ID-100287541

A burden because I have to write them down as soon as possible. Otherwise like butterflies, they quickly fly away and I forget them.

In our busy lives. with all the responsibilities of work and daily living, sometimes writing it all down is a challenge!

I have my daily writing plus writing the books I’m working on. For example, I did my daily wWriting, a burden and a blessing 12400502_10207708766135064_4212806281004013316_nriting in the morning yesterday. However, throughout the day I had a number of things happen that I wanted to write about as well. By the time I got home it was too late and I needed to go to bed. Before I went to bed, I scribbled down notes to remind me what to write.

Now I feel the burden of needing to write all that down today. Sometimes my writing feels like several crying babies who will not be satisfied until I sit down and feed them. This is what I mean by my writing is both a blessing and a burden. However, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love the role I play as a writer and the call on my life to write.

How about you? Do you have thoughts, stories or books on your heart and mind that you feel a responsibility to share? Do you sometimes feel alone in bearing this responsibility? You’re not alone because this is common to writers. You can find ways to ease the burden so you can enjoy the blessings more.

Five Tips To Lighten the Load

  1. Be brief. Write down the nuggets, ideas or stories briefly. When you don’t have enough time to write, write down enough words to trigger your memory.
  2. Write soon. Write as soon as possible after you have the thought or idea. This way you can capture it while it’s fresh on your mind. If you have a phone with recording capabilities, you can record your thoughts to transcribe later.
  3. Prioritize writing. Move writing to the top of your list even if you have to let some other things go. Good activities can take away from your writing. Let some social media or email time, TV or other things go.
  4. Think Small. Look for small increments of time you can set aside to write even if it’s for 15 minutes. If you can’t get it all written, write what you can and look for other opportunities. Once you get started, you’ll want to came back to it.
  5. Allow imperfection. Let go of perfectionism. Don’t worry if your writing is rough. Simply get it written down. You can always refine it later.

Would you like to learn to write better? If so, I’d love to teach you and encourage you in your writing. Check out  some of the ways I can serve you here and my writing course, “How to Write for Fun and Profit.” How do you assume your responsibility as a writer? What works for you? Share with us in the comments below.


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