8 Benefits of a Daily Writing Habit
I’m celebrating achieving my writing goals for another month of writing every single day as a result of participating in an online daily writing challenge for twenty months since January, 2014. I’ve discovered some benefits from dragging, pulling and pushing myself to meet this challenge.
Eight Benefits of a Daily Writing Habit
1. Stronger. As I force myself to overcome the emotional resistance and obstacles, my self-discipline is strengthened. I feel stronger.
2. Self-Discipline. The self-discipline of consistency enables and benefits me in other areas of my life.
3. Capture Moments. I capture beneficial insights, anecdotes, journal entries and stories that otherwise would be lost.
4. Book material. Consistent themes emerge that will eventually be three or four books so I’m making progress in writing my books.
5. Legacy. Stories are written to pass down a legacy to my children and grandchildren and creates potential material for articles, magazines etc.
6. Reflection. I get to process my day and gain insight from situations. We don’t get much time for reflection in our demanding and busy lives. Writing forces and gives time to mine the treasures of the day.
7. Better Writer. I’m growing as a writer. Practicing writing strategies in my daily writing refines my writing skills.
8. Satisfaction. My eyes are more open, my ears more attuned and my mind more alert to the gems in everyday life so I find more purpose and fulfillment in life.
Writing daily is not an easy habit to develop but it has a great deal of benefits and it’s worth it!
If you’d like to grow in your productivity and overcome some of your writing fears, come join this writing support group. Also, check out my book on Amazon kindle, “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing Dreams.”
If you would like to learn to write or learn to write better or write your story, check out my writing course,“How to Write for Fun and Profit.”
Discover the benefits of writing for yourself.
Go write now.
Enjoy the gift of writing!
#strengthtostrength, #fromstucktosuccess, #writenow, #writeyourstorynow, #sharonrosegibsonnuggets, #enjoythegiftofwriting, #15minutewriter.com
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Achieve Your Writing Dreams By Creating Momemtum
Do you have a goal, dream or desire in your heart you want to pursue?
Yesterday in my daily writing challenge group, the writing prompt invited us to look back on our writing goals. They suggested we look at our progress and write about what we didn’t expect.
More than a year has gone by since I started the challenge to write daily. I’m in my second year of the writing discipline. I share because the principle applies to any dream you pursue. By sharing my experience, I hope it will encourage you to persist in pursuing your dreams.
One thing I didn’t expect is the momentum gained in the challenge to write daily. The longer I meet the writing goals, the more this drives me.
Many times when I’ve been tempted to quit, I cannot because of the momentum. I don’t know how to describe this phenomenon, but action produces action and keeps me going. I miss a day occasionally.
Still, I find it easier to go for it again because of the momentum. At times I want to give it up and quit the challenge, but I cannot. Part of it is because I find writing rewarding. I feel a sense of satisfaction after I’ve made my writing goal for the day.
Other benefits reward me.
I feel a sense of satisfaction of the insight that comes from writing and reflecting on life’s experiences.
Sometimes what I wrote, fits in with one of my stories I want to preserve for my legacy.
Writing daily improves my writing skills. Editing comes easier.
Momentum brings all these benefits.
Action after action creates the driving force and keeps the energy going.
More than a year has gone by since I started the challenge to write daily and now I’m in my second year of the writing discipline.
Discipline is difficult, but it brings rewards. The momentum created by the discipline is a pleasant surprise.
The secret is consistency. Consistency creates momentum. Momentum keeps you going.
The key to developing consistency is finding encouragement, support, and accountability.
For this reason, I created a writing group where you can find encouragement, support, and accountability by clicking here.
These three factors can help you develop a habit and keep you consistent.
Pursue your dreams with consistent action. Create momentum. You will experience the satisfaction of achieving your goals!
This proverb encourages me and I hope it will you as well in the pursuit of your dreams. “The desires of the diligent will be fully satisfied.” Proverbs 13:4 (NIV)
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Writing Tips From A Butterfly Painting
Do you want to attract people to you as a writer?
One way is to be unique and different in how you express yourself. I’ve discovered that doing creative activities in other areas helps me be more creative and unique in my writing.
For example, in my last watercolor class I painted a butterfly. My teacher is an accomplished artist in the master’s category. She’s made her living as a freelance artist and some of her originals designs and art work are breathtaking.
In class, we drew a simple butterfly. First of all, I traced over my teacher’s lines with tracing paper. As I did so, my mind focused on the movement of my hand and how it felt copying her lines. I broke each section down and got a feel for how the lines went together.
Copying the masters is a good way to learn art techniques according to my sister who is a well known color pencil artist and art coach. She’s taught me that it’s a good idea to copy the masters as a learning experience.
After copying my teacher, when I went to draw my own butterfly my confidence in drawing had been strengthened. She had carefully explained her strategies, design and composition decisions.
As we painted, she shared her thinking and strategies. I listened and followed her art principles but created my own version of the butterfly. Much to my delight, my simple butterfly painting as an budding artist expressed an inspired uniqueness.
I reflected on how this applies to writing. We can learn the strategies and techniques of more advanced writers by reading their work and learning from how they write well. Then we take those principles and create something that is uniquely ours. My butterfly though imperfect and not as advanced as an experienced artist brought me satisfaction and joy. In the same way, you can enjoy implementing creative writing strategies at whatever level you’re at and find satisfaction and joy.
This is why I love to work with students sharing the online writing course, “How to Write for Fun and Profit.” You learn writing strategies that the masters use to craft their bestselling books, stories and memories. Check it out and if this is something that would fit your needs, I would love to support as you learn to write or learn to write more creatively.
Since you’re a writer, you want to get your books, stories, memories, or articles and blog posts done. A winning formula is accountability, support and encouragement to achieve your dreams and you’ll find it in the “From Stuck to Success Community.” You don’t have to be stuck to join, you simply need a desire and commitment to achieve your writing dreams.
If you want encouragement, productivity tips and strategies to overcome your fears, Check out the book I wrote to encourage you, “From Stuck to Success:Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing Dreams.” “From Stuck to Success:Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing Dreams.”
I encourage you to nurture your creative side in whatever way you can. You’ll find 5 Tips to Nurture Your Creative Side by clicking here.
Don’t simply go through life, nurture your creative side and enjoy life!
Go Write NOW!
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“I Finally Found Time to Write” ~ 3 Writing Motivational Tips
“Sharon, I wanted to tell you that I’m finally finding time to write,” my friend, Sarah, stopped by my car in the park.
“Awesome!” I slammed the trunk lid down. My grandsons and I had a picnic in the park and enjoyed the beautiful sunny day. We had stopped by the car to put away the blanket and the rest of the food. My grandsons ran on to the playground.
My friend’s husband wheeled the double stroller on to take her two year old and baby to the playground and she continued, “I wanted you to know I’m listening to you and watching you. I saw you post on facebook that you had written every day for the month of August. I thought if you can do I can too.
I smiled because over the last year, I’ve encouraged her several times to write. She’s a gifted writer and I longed to see her write. I had urged her before, “When you don’t have a lot of time, look for those 15 minute segments of time.” I knew she was busy with her toddler and pregnancy and now her baby.
Sarah continued on, “You may not think we notice or listen but we are. I watch your posts on facebook saying you complete your monthly writing goals. You inspire me!
As you suggested, I’ve been looking for those 15 minutes in my day to write. I’m surprised at how much I can write in 15 minutes and sometimes that gets me going so I write more.
I fell off my goal of writing every day in September but I didn’t let that discourage me. I got up and started again.”
“Good for you! One of the keys to success is to get back up and go for it again.”
She smiled, “Yes it’s good and I start over trying for the whole month in October. I feel so much better when I write.”
“I feel the same way. Sometimes it’s hard to write every day but I always feel better when after I write.”
“Well, I need to go join my husband and kids but I wanted to thank you and let you know.”
“Thanks so much! I appreciate the encouragement.”
3 Writing Motivational Tips
- 1. Get started. Break your writing into bite-size pieces. Then it’s easier to take the time.
- 2. Get back up. When you fall off your goal, don’t quit.
- 3. Get back up and start over.
Go for the feeling. When you find it difficult to get started writing, reflect on the satisfaction and good feeling you’ll have afterward.
How about you? Would you like to set some writing goals or develop a regular writing habit? If so, come join our “Wise Writers Write NOW for support, encouragement and accountability.
If you want to write a book, stories or memories, learn how to write or learn how to write better, check out the “How to Write for Fun and Profit.”
For more encouragement, productivity tips and strategies to overcome your writing fears, check out the book, “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing Dreams” on Amazon.com.
Most of all, find time to write because the world needs to hear your unique voice and what you have to share.
Go Write NOW
Woman Laptop by Ambro, freedigitalphotos.net
Writing Motivation ~ Do You Have This Key To Success In Your Writing?
Do you have challenges in meeting your writing goals? Even if writing is something you want to do, do you sometimes feel challenged to fulfill that desire?
Yesterday, I spent the day with my active grandsons on their last day before school started. Though they’re the joy of my life, we had some challenges that took all the energy I had.
When I arrived home, the last thing I wanted to do is to write. All I wanted to do is fall into bed.
However, I’ve committed to writing every day so rather than go to bed, I sat down at my computer to complete my writing goal for the day.
Additionally, I had some things come up and challenges getting this post written today. However, I managed to find some time and got it done!
What drove me? What key principle of success did I draw on?
When you don’t feel like writing what can you do to achieve your writing desires?
One of the definitions for discipline in Webster’s dictionary is self-control, “restraint over one’s own impulses, emotions or desires.”
3 Writing Motivation Tips
- Rewards of discipline. Discipline is not comfortable but at least there is a reward. Lack of discipline may be easier but you will live with the bitter fruit of dissatisfaction.
- Choices have consequences. You’ll experience the consequences either way, one pleasant and one not. Your choice makes the difference.
- Keep the end in mind. When you’re not motivated to write, think of the end result of your choice. Do you want to be satisfied or dissatisfied?
You can find a lot more tips and insights in the book I wrote to encourage writers to pursue their writing dreams. “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing dreams.” You can find it on Amazon Kindle.
If you want to learn to write or write better, check out “How to write for Fun and Profit.“
In the meantime, I encourage you to experience the rewards of discipline in your writing. I feel satisfied now that I’ve met my writing goal and wrote this blog post.
How about you? What can you write today that will bring you satisfaction?
Go Write NOW!
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Writing Tip: Let the Child in You Out to Play
Today, I had a lot to do. I walked by my watercolors. My heart longed to stop and enjoy them. Most of the time I walk on because it takes time to get everything out and then put it away. Because of other demands with my work, those creative urges get repressed and leave an an unfulfilled longing.
However, today I decided to apply the 15 minute principle. I pulled out my little travel case of watercolors and sat down and began to play with them. I have taken drawing and watercolor classes before but set those on the shelf for years. Recently, I started going to a watercolor class again.
My grandsons inspire me with their simply joy in creating art and they don’t care what it looks like. “Look what I did!” They exclaim as they eagerly point to their paintings.
I decided to let myself be a child again and simply be creative and capture the joy I see in them. I had learned other more formal methods to make everything look good but somehow that approach also hindered me because it took so much time.
So I imitated my grandsons and simply sat down and did a watercolor sketch and then wet into wet paint. I’m sharing it here to say, “Look what I did!”
After I finished in about 15 minutes, I felt renewed and refreshed and my business tasks seemed lighter and more doable. Then I decided to write about it and I feel more inspired and creative in my writing too.
I encourage you to experiment with other creative activities and hobbies to give you a fresh approach to your work and your writing.
This is a fabulous productivity tip to motivate yourself and to get your writing done.
Come be a kid again and learn how to write or learn how to write better. Check out “How to Write for Fun and Profit” and play and learn with me.
A proverb that inspires me to pursue the desires of my heart says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12
Be a kid again. Pursue the desires of your heart and don’t be afraid to share with us your creative endeavors even if they’re childlike. The important thing is to do them!
For additional insights, read 5 Tips to Nourish Your Creative Side and Let Play Support Your Work.
What do you like to do to nurture your creative side and how does that help you with your writing? Share with us in the comments below.
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Are You a Pond or River Writer?
Are you a river or a pond with your writing? Do you let what you have to say flow out of you or do you keep it gathering inside of you?
A river writer lets what they have to say flow out. A pond writer keeps it to themselves.
I have a confession to make. For many years I was a pond instead of a river. I gathered all this wonderful knowledge, wisdom and insight and would not get around to writing about it.
Fears and busyness held me back. Fears and questions bombarded my mind. Will other people be critical of my writing? Will I write it right or write it perfectly enough? What if no one even bothered to read it? How can I fit writing into my busy schedule? What will I have to give up to take time to write?
I gathered my stories and thoughts into the pond. The only problem is that it wasn’t flowing out of me to anyone who could benefit from it. When it gathered in the pond, the writing stagnated. I lost the freshness of the ideas and they became stale.
In the last few years, I’ve started pouring out more. Yet I’ve still held back out of fear of not writing perfectly.
Well, I’m making a decision as of now. I’m not going to let those fears stop me anymore. I’m going to start becoming more of a river writer instead of a pond writer.
I self edit my writing carefully and believe in doing all you can to write well. However, the flip side of that is perfectionism which can keep you from getting out a good message which can help others.
If I make writing mistakes, let me know and I’ll correct them but I’m not going to let fear of mistakes hinder me.
How about you? Are you going to jump in the river with me? Are you afraid? Here’s 5 strategies to overcome those fears.
5 Tips to Overcome Your Fears of River Writing
1. Begin now. Whatever level of skill you’re at in your writing, start there. Start giving to others with your writing.
Zina, one of my students from my writing course started a blog to encourage those with handicaps. At one point, Zina expressed concern that her writing wasn’t as polished as she would like. I wrote her, “Zina, you’re having a huge impact encouraging others at the skill level you’re at so keep writing!”
Last year, Zina had 12,000 views on her blog. What if she’d let her fears stop her? So many people would have missed out.
2. Understand the principle of increase. The more you use something the more it will increase. You understand this in exercising. The more you exercise, the stronger you get. You go from strength to strength. The same is true in writing, you go from skill level to skill level. The more you write, the more you learn about how to write, the more you’ll grow as a writer.
3. Let it flow. Sit down and simply start writing. Don’t worry about whether or not you do it right. Turn off the critical side of you and let it come out. Tap into your right brain instead of your left brain and go for it. You can correct it later but for now, let it go.
4. Grow little by little. Take time to add to your writing knowledge. If you want to learn how to write or write better, take the “How to Write for Fun and Profit” writing course.
If you’ve taken the course, pull it out and review it or read another book on writing. Implement writing tips and continue to learn how to write or improve your writing.
5. Take responsibility. You have a river inside of you but it’s your responsibility to let it flow out to others. Maybe you’re busy. Most people are. That’s where the 15 minute concept came to be. Don’t wait until you have a lot of time or another season of your life. Grab that pen and take advantage of the small increments of time you have now. Let the river flow, 15 minutes at a time.
People out there need to hear what you have to say. Even if it’s an audience of one, they need what you have to give.
So, jump in the river and let it flow. Instead of a pond writer, be a river writer. Refresh others and you’ll be refreshed.
Go write now.
Share the Gift of Writing!
How about you? What fears hold you back? How do you feel when you’re in a pond instead of a river? What is your experience? Share with us in the comments below.
Image of girls by Admar at http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
Could Your Words Change the World?
What if you could write something that would set millions of people free?
Thomas Jefferson did when he wrote the Declaration of Independence in July of 1776. Never before in the history of mankind had anyone written these words. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Those words shaped the course of history and a nation. Because they were written down in a document, these words have guided and sustained our freedoms as Americans year after year. Because one man sat down and articulated our God given rights in writing, other countries have the courage to set their citizens free as well. Because of his courageous writing, you and I in the United States of America and all countries which protect freedom, have the freedom to write and share our thoughts.
As I reflect on this amazing expression of freedom in writing, these three words come to mind to guide us as we continue to stand for freedom.
- Responsibility. With freedom comes responsibility. Sometimes people think freedom means you can say or do whatever you think. The truth is, the only way to have freedom is to be responsible in how we treat people, our possessions, institutions, resources and all living things. Honor and respect are the keys to ongoing freedom.
- Protect. We have to protect our freedom. If we want to continue to enjoy freedom, such as our freedom of speech, we have to protect ourselves against those forces which would try to rob us of it. We need to draw on our courage daily to fight for freedom. Writing is a powerful way to do so.
- Expand. We need to exercise our freedom and reach others with truths that will set them free. It’s not enough for us to be free, we need to set others free as well.
As a writer, you hold in your hand an awesome responsibility. What are you going to do with it? Are you going to let other things distract you from sharing your gifts, talents and abilities with others through the gift of writing? Are you going to let life get in the way? Are you going to waste hours on social media, the internet or TV or are you going to take the responsibility that is yours to encourage, teach and help others with your writing?
Start where you are today at whatever level you are at in your writing. Continue to improve your writing skills. Read books and books on writing, go to a writer’s conferences or take an online course such as “How to Write for Fun and Profit” which will help you learn how to write or improve your writing skills. Make a commitment to continually grow in your writing skills.
You may write something as significant as the Declaration of Independence or you may write something that will significantly change one person’s life for the better. Focus on the big achievements but don’t forget the little ways, the daily things you can do with your writing to help people.
What can you write today to make the world a more loving place to live? When you’re busy, think in 15 minute increments of time. You can write more than you think in 15 minutes. Take time to set people free as well as enrich and enhance their lives with all you have to offer.
Go write now!
Has this blog post inspired you? If so, what action are you going to take? Share with us in the comments below.
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How to Write–3 Tips to Make Your Writing Magnetic
When you write, are you enthusiastic about what you share? Do you use word pictures to describe things in an appealing way to your readers? Do you know how to write in a way that engages your reader and enthralls them with your writing?
Last spring, a friend called me, “I have to go to a meeting at this lovely resort, the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, on top of Petit Jean mountain. The drive is scenic and it seemed like something you’d enjoy. I have an extra bed in the room, and wondered if you would like to go along?”
“Well, yes–sounds wonderful.”
We drove up there and she was right, I thoroughly enjoyed the beauty of mountain with its creeks and forests.
During our stay at the Institute, I wandered into the gift store and looked at the handcrafted glass bowls and local pottery.
I ambled over to the children’s section and glanced through the educational toys for my grandsons. An older woman in an elegant turquoise blouse approached me. “That is our children’s toys section. Our book section is around the corner. We have a lot of books on the history of the state.”
She pointed to the enclosed glass box, “We have beautiful blown glass and we also have it in jewelry. In fact take a look at this.” She held up an exquisite turquoise piece of glass jewelry on a sliver neck ring that curved into an interesting circle in the front where the pendant hung.
The beauty of the necklace captivated me, “It’s stunning.”
“Yes, this glassware is all handmade by a local artist. Each piece is a little different. We also have handmade soaps, pottery from local potters and books you don’t see everywhere. We have a lot of unusual things.”
She went on about all the store had to offer. The gift store was lovely to begin with but she greatly enhanced it with her descriptions. She wasn’t pushy. She simply engaged me. Suddenly the store and its contents seemed more valuable and precious. Her descriptions made me want to buy the gift items. In fact they were almost irresistible. I had to leave with something from this store.
How can you do the same in your writing? If you blog or you want to write a story, how can you take something ordinary and make it appealing?
When you write a blog post, devotional or inspiring story, use these tips below.
3 Tips to Make Your Writing Magnetic
1. See the beauty in the everyday things and share it. Think about how you can focus on a beautiful event, and add to its beauty and value as the store clerk did when she held up the stunning necklace. A writer friend of mine is writing a book in which she shares her experiences of love and care for her daughters as the Mother of the Bride. She writes with such warmth that enhances the beauty of the mother, daughter bond.
2. Look for the lessons to be learned from every day events. Recently, one of my students in my “How to Write for Fun and Profit” online writing course, wrote a story about what bike riding meant to her when she was young. She wove an inspiring message in her story and made an ordinary activity totally charming.
3. Use metaphors and similes to give magic your descriptions as you paint word pictures. Stimulate your creativity and come up with riveting ideas to “show” your reader what is going on rather than “tell” them.
If you don’t know how to do this, check out the “How to Write for Fun and Profit” online writing course. Even if you know how to write but you want to improve your writing skills, you will benefit from the course. If you’ve already taken the course, review some of the lessons and practice. Read books to stimulate your creativity and increase your knowledge how to write well
Creative writing will enhance your blog posts or stories. If you want to make money writing, you will irresistibly draw your customers to you.
Most of all, you will have fun as you learn how to write and express your creativity. Everyone wins when you learn how to write well!
Go Now ~ Enjoy the Gift of Writing!
How do you make your writing magnetic? Share with us in the comments below.
Idea photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net
blown glassware photo courtesy of Winthrop Rockfeller Institute Gift Shop
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Writing Tips — Big Impact in a Few Minutes
What could you write today, to impact someone with your words? You may think you need to write a novel, a story or a book to make a difference in someone’s life. You are absolutely correct. Those are effective ways to influence others. Stories and books transform our lives and thinking.
However, think with me for a minute, what you could write now to impact somebody? Maybe it’s a blog post or an article. Maybe it’s simply a comment on somebody’s Facebook or a tweet. You could write a letter, email or thank you note.
Words have power. You can either destroy or build up others with your words. In addition to the longer things you want to write, I want to encourage you to think about small ways you can use your words to encourage other people and to spur them on in positive ways.
Recently, in an online class, the power of words struck me in a new way. Our coach came down with an illness and had to go the hospital. She had been recovering for a couple of weeks. When she stood for even five minutes, she become extremely dizzy. She was not able to teach class. However, she wrote these words in our membership area, “So, just because I’m down & out doesn’t mean YOU get to be! Share what you’ll do this week to advance your speaking. Or what you need help with. Go.”
Immediately, the power of her words stirred me to action. Even in her weakened state, she impacted me. Her comment motivated me to the next step in moving my goals forward. This brought a lesson home to me. You don’t have to have strength to impact other people. Sometimes you may feel inadequate or challenged in some way and you hesitate to write. Don’t let that stop you!
Regardless of the way you feel, you can impact other people in a positive way with your words. Words of encouragement can motivate someone to change, to have confidence in themselves or to move forward towards a goal. Words of affirmation can encourage someone to believe in their value and worth. Words of compassion can bring healing to someone who is going through a tough time.
What could you write today to encourage or influence someone in a positive way? Today a writer friend wrote me, “Go on and write . . . do what you were meant to do.” Those words spurred me to write this post and now I pass on this encouragement to you. You take it from here and keep it going. The power of your words and the ones we can generate together is simply astounding.
Set aside some time today, 5 to 15 minutes and use the power of your words change your little corner of the world for the better!
Did this post motivate you to write something? If so, let me know. Let’s encourage each other.
Image David Castillo Dominici FreeDigitalPhotos.net