Writing Motivation ~ Do You Have This Key To Success In Your Writing?

Do you have challenges in meeting your writing goals? Even if writing is something you want to do, do you sometimes feel challenged to fulfill that desire?

Yesterday, I spent the day with my active grandsons on their last day before school started. Though they’re the joy of my life, we had some challenges that took all the energy I had.

When I arrived home, the last thing I wanted to do is to write. All I wanted to do is fall into bed.

However, I’ve committed to writing every day so rather than go to bed, I sat down at my computer to complete my writing goal for the day.

Additionally, I had some things come up and challenges getting this post written today. However, I managed to find some time and got it done!

What drove me? What key principle of success did I draw on?

When you don’t feel like writing what can you do to achieve your writing desires?

Discipline.Girl holding a big pen ID-100155119

One of the definitions for discipline in Webster’s dictionary is self-control, “restraint over one’s own impulses, emotions or desires.”

3 Writing Motivation Tips

  1. Rewards of discipline. Discipline is not comfortable but at least there is a reward. Lack of discipline may be easier but you will live with the bitter fruit of dissatisfaction.
  2. Choices have consequences. You’ll experience the consequences either way, one pleasant and one not. Your choice makes the difference.
  3. Keep the end in mind. When you’re not motivated to write, think of the end result of your choice. Do you want to be satisfied or dissatisfied?

You can find a lot more tips and insights in the book I wrote to encourage writers to pursue their writing dreams. “From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing dreams.” You can find it on Amazon Kindle.

If you want to learn to write or write better, check out “How to write for Fun and Profit.  I’d love to teach you how to write or write better and encourage you in your writing.

In the meantime, I encourage you to experience the rewards of discipline in your writing. I feel satisfied now that I’ve met my writing goal and wrote this blog post.

How about you? What can you write today that will bring you satisfaction?

Go Write NOW!


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